Helene Gundhus

Helene Gundhus

Prof. dr. H.O.I. Gundhus

Professor at Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo, Professor at Norwegian Police University College

Professor Gundhus obtained her Dr. polit in criminology at the University of Oslo in 2006. From 2006-2016 she worked at the Norwegian Police University College, and was appointed professor in 2013. She was a project member of Crime Control at the Borderlands of Europe, headed by professor Katja Franko, UiO.

From 2015 to 2020 she is leading a project entitled 'Risk management and police-public interaction' funded by Norwegian Research Council. As part of this project she is currently doing a study on transnational policing in local contexts in Norway, addressing use of intelligence and technology, and analysing how it influences police role and police-citizens encounters. Professor Gundhus has published widely on topics such as policing and transnationalism/globalization, police professionalism and discretion, and police methods and technology.

Professor Gundhus co-supervises the PhD project “Agents of Change? (Hi)stories, perspectives and everyday practices of intra-Schengen border officials. Human agency and street-level discretionary decision making in matters of cross-border mobility”.


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